Long Tail Pro

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Become A Better Internet Marketing Advisor By Employing A Solid Internet Marketing Development Cycle

Submitted by: Michael Bryksa

Let’s get this one thing out of the way: the only reason you aren’t making a good living as an internet marketing advisor is because you don’t have a solid internet marketing strategy in place.

Do you have entrepreneur friends who are running a successful business? Try asking them how you could establish a successful business without doing any planning whatsoever, and they’ll tell you that 1) it simply isn’t possible and 2) please don’t make them laugh suddenly out of nowhere. Any business man or woman will tell you that some solid planning and backup strategy is essential, almost indispensable, when starting your own business. But the problem with most internet marketing advisors is they seem to think all of this doesn’t apply to them.

It does.

Being an internet marketing advisor that earns top dollar involves a lot of hard work, just like—surprise!—real life. In the end internet marketing boils right back down to the fundamentals of marketing, that is buying and selling, knowing what you’re selling and who you’re selling to. If you want to become more than just your average run-of-the-mill internet marketing advisor, you need to learn the following internet marketing development cycle and apply it to your own work.

Step 1: Online/Market Research
Marketing begs the question: who are you marketing to and how?

First you need to identify your customers, your marketing niche. What is the average age of your market niche? Do they hang out on MySpace or Facebook? What are they looking for in a product and what dissatisfaction have they experienced in the past? You also need to do a bit of research on your competitors. What are their marketing strategies? What makes their product great? What makes it bad?

Step 2: Analysis of Data
The by-product of market research. Use this phase analyze what your competitors are doing right and what they are doing wrong, and capitalize on that. Do you have something better to offer? How can you take advantage of the customer base’s dissatisfaction with your competitors’ products or services?

Step 3: Strategy Creation
When you’re done researching and analyzing data, by yourself or with your client, it’s time to create a strategy and put it into action. Ask yourself: what internet marketing strategy would work best given the situation with your market niche as well as your competitors? Round up internet marketing strategies available at your disposal—viral marketing, blog marketing, article marketing, video marketing, social media marketing, SEO, PPC, etc.—and pick the ones that brings back the most ROI in the shortest possible time.

Step 4: Results Monitoring
The difference between a good internet marketing advisor and a bad one is the former sets aside time to check his results while the latter only cares about how much money went into the bank. YOU SHOULD MONITOR YOUR RESULTS. It’s the only way to stay in this business long-term. Doing business through trial and error will only get you so far – if at all.

Take note the internet marketing development cycle applies to both your clients’ businesses and your own as an internet marketing advisor. So make it count.

About the Author: Internet Marketing Consultant Calgary is a great resource of up-to-date online marketing strategies and techniques for service professionals and small business owners in the Calgary area. Feel free to visit the website at Internet Marketing Consultant Calgary for more info on consultation services. Or you can simply visit the website simply for more related articles on online marketing.

Source: www.isnare.com

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